A Cockatiel is the top-ranked pet parrot in America courtesy their numerous qualities. Social, playful, cuddly, bold, outgoing, comical, and whatnot? They have almost everything one wants in a pet bird. And the best part is that these birds can be a companion for extended periods as compared to many other pet parrot species. But, for that, one needs to take proper care of his feathered companion. The lifespan of a Cockatiel is often dependent on several aspects.
It can be confusing for a newbie to understand the lifespan of a Cockatiel. Therefore we have made this easier for you. Despite the actual lifespan of Cockatiel, there are various techniques to increase their life expectancy. We know you don’t want to let go of this lovely bird so soon. Therefore, we have collected all the absolute best practices to increase your Cockatiel bird lifespan.
Let’s know how to do that.
Cockatiel Lifespan in General
Before learning about the practices to increase a Cockatiel life expectancy, it’s vital to know their average lifespan. Cockatiel lives with a significant change of lifespan in the wild and as a pet.
Cockatiel Bird-Life Expectancy in the Wild
Cockatiel lives in flocks in the wild. The crowded corners of Australia can often lead to infections and disease. Therefore, cockatiel average life expectancy is lesser in the wild than in captivity.
The University of Michigan documented the average lifespan of the cockatiel in their native region between 11 to 15 years. The least cockatiel lifespan age is 10 years.
Cockatiel Life Expectancy – Domestic
“Cockatiel lifespan captivity”, this term has a completely different data on the average lifespan of Cockatiel in the wild. While Cockatiel rarely lives more than 15 years in the wild, proper nutrition can extend their life expectancy surprisingly. The Guinness Book of World Records has listed a Cockatiel living for 29 years. ‘Pretty Boy’, the cockatiel is the confirmed oldest Cockatiel. The bird died in 2004. However, some unconfirmed reports say that the cockatiel lifespan age may even extend up to 36 years.
Also, talking about the lifespan based on gender, the male and female cockatiel lifespan is quite similar. There is no such notable difference in their longevity. If prevented from accidents, both can live the average life. And for the color mutations like cinnamon Cockatiel lifespan or albino Cockatiel lifespan, there is hardly any huge gap between the range. In captivity, they all live around 20-25 years on an average.
Best ways to Increase your Cockatiel Lifespan Indoors
Cockatiel lifespan at home can be easily enhanced. They are loyal and committed to their human companion and need the same in return. Only a dedicated owner can make his bird live long by showering his bird with all the love.
Keep Your Cockatiel Disinfected
Cockatiel lives in flocks in their habitat. The only reason for their early death in the wild is infections that easily spread within the flock. Cockatiel lifespan in the cage can be extended by keeping them away from infections. Having kept disinfected, cockatiel average life expectancy can go up to 15 to 20 years from 11 to 15 years. So, this may only be the basics but good hygiene always saves lives.
To keep the bird from catching infections, remember things like:
- Provide a daily bath.
- Keep the cage clean.
- Discard the uneaten food immediately.
- Offer them fresh water.
- Serve them with fresh fruits and vegetables.
Add Nutritional Content to their Diet
After ensuring proper hygiene, the most effective solution to increase cockatiel life expectancy as a pet is to add nutritional values to his diet. Calcium and minerals are the foremost factors to provide them a healthy life. Choose food that is healthy for them.
Always offer them fresh fruits like ripe bananas, papaya, apples, kiwi, or passionfruit. They eat vegetables too, with the same love. So, it is best to include green leafy veggies like kale, spinach, or celery. When one wants to make his bird eat healthier, it is best to offer him only a healthy platter.
Apart from this, do not forget to add minerals to their diet. It can be best done by offering pellets and millet sprays. Apart from being healthy, they make these birds extremely happy. And yes, happiness does increase life expectancy.
Cuttlebones can be another option to add nutrients in his diet. Offer a natural or commercial cuttlebone that contains healthy supplements.
Avoid Deadly Foods
Many people, especially the new parrot lovers, may not be aware of the fact that some foods can be poisonous to Cockatiels. Many pet owners feed their birds with junk food i.e. excess seed and grit. A long life expectancy for Cockatiel requires a variety of vitamins, proteins, and minerals. Feeding them with unhealthy foods may put their lives in danger. Focus on the foods that are high in calcium. It would be an excellent way to extend their lifespan.
Many food items are not harmful to humans yet not suitable for Cockatiels. Never let a Cockatiel eat an avocado. This fruit is proved to be dangerous to birds. Next comes caffeine. Any beverage or fruit that has caffeine is prohibited for birds. So, no coffee, no caffeinated soda, and no alcohol must be offered to a Cockatiel.
Chocolates are a treat for all of us but this doesn’t hold for Cockatiels. So, remember not to reward them with a bar of chocolate. It can harm their health. Moreover, avoid fatty seeds. They have been known to cause fatty liver disease in Cockatiels.
It has been often found that pet Cockatiels aren’t provided with ample space for exercising. A lack of workout often makes a Cockatiel fat. They need an extreme amount of workout. If a Cockatiel doesn’t get to flex his wings as in the wild, he may develop fatty tumors. Furthermore, some other health concerns may also occur due to obesity. Schedule the workout and other physical activities for the Cockatiel increased life expectancy.
Make a Bond
Being shy, Cockatiels are known to take time to adjust to their new home. When everything around them is new, it may sometimes be scary for this gentle species. Allow them enough time to adjust to the environment. Make the environment around them welcoming and try to form a bond with them. Cockatiels are affectionate and very social personalities. They love interactions and cuddles. Therefore, to keep a Cockatiel happy and healthy, make an ideal bond. Win their trust and watch their extended lifespan.
Prevent Accidents
A Cockatiel meeting with accidents is not unheard of. Owing to their playful nature, they often roam around the house and eventually end up getting hurt.
A Cockatiel can meet with accidents like flying through a window and disappearing into the nooks and corners of tables or curtains. Possibly, he forgot the way back home aka cage. Or he may fall somewhere. He might end up in a fight with the pet cat or dog. Or as a worst-case scenario, his intriguing nature might make him eat something he shouldn’t eat.
So, never leave a Cockatiel alone, especially with a cat or dog. These pets can become a real source of danger for the little bird.
Additional Care for Cockatiel
Disinfecting and a balanced diet are just a part of general care. Detailed care includes various other factors. Cockatiels are healthy only if they aren’t kept dirty. As an add-on to the Cockatiel care, provide them filtered sunlight during the day. Vitamin D is essential for his health. It will eventually help in increasing cockatiel average life expectancy.
Tips for Increasing Cockatiel Lifespan
Cockatiel’s average life expectancy is 20 years or more. This lifespan of Cockatiel may even be longer with a few simple means.
Here are some pro tips to follow:
- Do not leave the Cockatiel unsupervised with kids.
- Never leave them alone with other pets.
- Do not leave a Cockatiel with a dog, cat, or any other household pets.
- They are ground feeders in their habitat, so don’t allow them to stay too much on the ground.
- Provide filtered UV rays to the Cockatiel.
- Do not let him stay in direct contact with sunlight. Always provide a source of shade.
- Cockatiel needs a good amount of water. Offer fresh water frequently. It is important to prevent dehydration.
- Provide shade to prevent heatstroke.
- Whenever Cockatiel seems too tired or sick, immediately take him/her to the veterinarian.
- Add enough calcium and minerals to his diet.
Summing Up
Cockatiels are lovely parrots. They love to roam around. But it often lands them in trouble. So, be sure about their safety, especially before letting them out of the cage. Cockatiel lifespan in the wild can reach up to 15 years. But in captivity, it is the owner who determines his bird’s lifespan. On average, the Cockatiel lifespan age indoors is up to 20 years. So, before adopting a Cockatiel, make sure to commit at least 20 years of life to this little bird. Hygiene, food, and some extra care are all that a Cockatiel needs.